Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Understand How to Establish an Effective Team Assignment

Understand How to Establish an Effective Team - Assignment Example Understand How to Establish an Effective Team In a report written by A.W.C. Training entitled â€Å"Effective Working Relationships†, emphasize was placed on enhancing awareness regarding the importance of maintaining happy relationships within the organizational setting for the reason that smooth and effective working relationships were noted to be instrumental in tasks and responsibilities being undertaken more efficiently; and thus, enabling the delivery of high quality of customer service. Within a team, the development of effective working relationship presupposes the application of effective communication as a framework of success. According to Harbour (2013), â€Å"good communication makes it easier to address individual problems or concerns between employees and supervisors when they arise† (par. 8). Communication also enables the dissemination of crucial information, including policies, procedures, and the organization’s code of discipline, to provide guidelines to the employees, various members of a team, and other stakeholders, in manifesting the expected behavior. For example, in a newly formed team tasked to present suggestions and recommendations to increase sales of the products, an effectively developed and maintained team who follows the abovementioned guidelines are expected to be more cohesive and to delegate tasks, share crucial information, and equitably divide the responsibilities needed in coming up with a presentation that would satisfy organizational goals. Benefits of Effective Working Relationships in Developing and Maintaining the Team The benefits of effective working relationships in developing and maintaining the team are therefore realized in terms of showing cohesiveness, increasing performance and productivity, reporting lesser conflicts or miscommunication, and satisfying the needs and demands of the customers. As asserted, â€Å"good workplace relationships and a positive work environment is critical for a successful business, as unhappy staff have a negative impact on productivity and customer service† (Harbour, 2013, par. 7). Behaviours which Could Develop and Maintain Trust at Work The behaviours which could develop and maintain trust at work include the following: (1) maintaining sincerity; (2) being reliable; (3) being accountable; (4) listening attentively and actively; (5) not blaming others; and (6) being transparent in all undertakings with honesty and integrity (Piccinini, 2013). For instance, in the organizational setting, trust could be developed and maintained when members of a team have openly established the need to be open to each other and communicate truthful information to the most effective manner. When a member of the team makes a mistake, other members must assume a stance of understanding and refrain from blaming the errant member. All members must therefore

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