Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Politics And Literature Politics - 1186 Words

Politics and literature Politics, derived from the Greek word politika meaning ‘affairs of the cities’ which is ultimately derived from the Greek word meaning polis meaning ‘city state’. From here one can derive the ultimate meaning of the widely used word politics; it is the arrangement, organisation and making of decisions relating to a populace. Politics can take many forms, from a small tribal council to international organisations such as the UN, from utopian democracies to totalitarian fascists states. What politics is always concerned with, however, is the delegation of power. To whom power is given to and how that power is yielded. How that power exerts control over the populace that has given it to its government or ruler. How†¦show more content†¦Thus began a long symbiotic relationship between politics and literature. Early political literature began appearing during this period such as ‘The Republic’ by Plato, exploring the concept of a ‘philosopher king’ and the ‘just city-state.’ In the Renaissance period, Nicollà ² Machiavelli introduced political thinking that diverged greatly from the time period; a form of political thinking that stated that being a good leader and a good Christian cannot be reconciled, one can either be one or the other. This was a far cry from the contemporary view of the day which was that being a good Christian would lead itself to become a good leader. His view has been so profound on western political thinking that the word ‘Machiavellian’ is still used today to describe politicians who may seem cutthroat and ruthless in the pursuit of being effective. However, politics in literature has not been solely about political theory. Novels such as ‘1984’ explore life underneath a totalitarian regime. ‘1984’ vividly describes how power can corrupt its holders to the point of paranoia against everyone, leading to a mistrust of all and everyone, a society where no one is ever at ease. Novels such as these display how power in the hands of the wrong can lead to the creation of a dystopia; these books are not entirely rooted in fiction at all. ‘1984’ is an example of mimesis, of art imitating life. The book took inspiration from Soviet Russia and the Nazi regime which were contemporaryShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Politics And Literature2000 Words   |  8 PagesThe relationship between politics and literature has been an interesting field of study. Irving Howe, whose Politics and the Novel is considered the locus classics on the subject, caste, â€Å"more than enough skepticism on the impulse to assign literary levels† and calls his book Politics and the Novel, b ut not Political Novel. 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