Friday, January 31, 2020
Cost accounting Essay Example for Free
Cost accounting Essay Education is a vital process that enables pupils and students to acquire knowledge and skills that can earn them a living and a respectable life. Within most education systems are measures such as user charges and cost recovery. These measures are put forward so as to improve the quality of education. In Sub-Saharan Africa countries, the user charges and cost recovery measures have been criticised by some people on equity grounds although within the same region other people have defended the measures based on the same grounds. This essay therefore, intends to identify and discuss the various dimensions of user charges and cost recovery measures in education as well as to propose an alternative for user charges and other cost recovery measures in the Zambian education system. In order to have a wider understanding of this essay, the key words that are frequently appearing should be defined. According to (Jiminez, 1987) user charges are defined as a fee for service or a direct charge for the provision of a good or service by the Government in an open market while cost recovery is the regain of the costs of government-provided or funded products, services or activities that, at least in part, provide private benefits to individuals, entities or groups, or reflect the costs their actions impose. User charges fall within the broader concept of cost sharing which involves the contributions from users towards the cost of the particular service that they benefit from such as education, health and water (Terme, 2002). Cost sharing takes a wide range of forms such as direct charges and indirect charges. Examples of direct charges in education are charging fees for tuition and for school writing materials while the indirect charges include in kind contributions such as maintenance, construction and furniture. Such in kind contributions must equate to the official fees of the services provided. User charges however, are direct charges or fees which in the education system may include PTA funds which the school can use for the construction of ablution blocks and class room blocks. Examples of user charges in public offices include fee for a copy of a marriage, birth or death certificate. Cost recovery measures may include the products, services and different activities such as: recreational services; minerals and petroleum services; registration and licensing activities that the government offers to people that have costs (Lockheed and Verspoor, 1990). These costs can be recovered by either the users or other people who benefit from goods, services or activities. They can also be recovered from taxpayers. The education systems such as colleges offer teaching programs to students, the students benefit from such programs by acquiring skills and knowledge for teaching in other government or private schools. Since colleges have to buy chemicals for school laboratories, they also have to provide internet services, white board makers and other educational activities. The colleges have to find other ways of recovering such costs so as to maintain quality in their services. This is usually done by imposing tuition fees for all students, charging boarding fees, book fees as well as internet fees. The resources acquired from user charges and cost recovery measures are said to be equitably distributed to all sectors of economy. Equity is the fairness, justice in the distribution of resources (Kelly, 1999). This concept is normative in nature meaning that it involves the distribution of resources to different areas according to the amount needed and not on equal basis. It is also concerned with the patterns in which cost and benefits are being distributed among different areas of a society. To achieve equity in an area, resources as well as benefits must be distributed unequally that is more to the poor and less to the rich. An action like this should be done because the poor lack sources for income as well as protection hence providing less funds for their schools than the rich. This indicates that most of the poor people largely depend on different resources from the government in order to earn a living. User charges and cost recovery measures in the Sub-Saharan countries are seen by some people to be promoting equity in the education system because they improve the way resources are allocated in all the education institutions (World Bank Policy Research Report, 2001). User charges and cost recovery measures also lead to the effective contribution of resources. This in schools is usually achieved when the value that users place on educational services equal the cost of resources used up in the production of those services. Pupils as well as parents tend to value education, by so doing they put pressure on the school, teachers and the stuff to maintain quality. This increases accountability of education institutions hence the easy detection of problems to do with learning. Accountability in education enhances equity. The proper functioning of the user charges and cost recovery results into meeting and maintain the resource requirements for the education system. In situations when the government is not incapable of providing needed resources the school from the user fees can generate its own needed resources and solve any problem at hand. User charges often ensure the provision of quality leaning through the provision of books and other important learning materials, improved school planning and management, better utilization of teaching staff and reduced unit cost in construction for those who enroll. The vulnerable groups of society can also enroll by paying fees through in kind contribution to the construction of the school and even maintenance of school materials. Therefore, the equity benefits in this instance results from the use of resources in ways that benefit the poorest. Such benefits manifest through improvements in the provision of education in rural areas as well quality of educational services. User charges and cost benefits in the Sub-Saharan countries have been criticised because the vulnerable groups in such societies have been found not to be benefiting from the resources that are said to be distributed on equity. According to (Kelly, 1999) disadvantaged groups of society comprise of the poor, people that are handicapped, the girls or females and those that live in rural areas. With the user charges in the system, children from the poor families may not enroll because these families will have to look at how they will make indirect costs such as transportation, school meals, school provisions and sports as well as direct costs such as school fees and boarding fees. Besides that poor children also lack personal material and are unable to buy materials that are sold at school. With high levels of poverty children cannot be allowed to go to school because they are a source of income in their families especially in areas of farm work and selling. Those that are allowed to go to school usually go on empty stomachs. This affects them negatively in academic performance thus causing inefficiencies in the school system. In addition the school curriculum as well as the culture of learning act as barriers in the educational endeavors of these children because it is too advanced for them to understand and does not relate to their everyday activities. The other dimension is that this type of educational provision does not encompass areas such as rural areas. Education provision in rural areas is poorer than in urban areas (Central Statistics Office, 1997), because most of the teachers sent to teach in these areas are untrained, this in turn leads to poor quality in education; the school buildings and sanitation are so poor such that pupils get less motivated to attend lessons; materials and other supplies are not adequately distributed hence preventing pupils from acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills. The fairness, justification as well as the treatment of all people according to their needs that is said to be an outcome of user charges and cost recovery measures is seen not to apply in such cases. The other dimension that equity distribution does not cater for is that of the handicapped. One of the major problem in this area is lack of accurate information on the number of children with special educational needs (Central Statistics Office, 1994) the second one is the attitude of society to education of people with special needs. Some parents feel ashamed of themselves of having disabled children hence not sending them to school. Education for these children is not provided fully because even if they enroll they do not receive all the facilities they need for quality learning. In the gender dimension, the gender-based constraints to education tend to be more pronounced in rural areas (Psacharopoulos and Woodhall, 1985). This is due to the fact that the environment is normally more accommodative of gender inequality. Rural areas display strict traditional cultural values, attitudes and practices, such practices are harmful to girls education for they encourage early marriage, abduction, genital mutilation, sexual violence, excessive domestic chores, male superiority and domination of women are tolerated and encouraged by the community both inside and outside the school and with the user charges imposed, parents will opt to sending male children to school than female ones. Alternative justification for user charges and cost recovery measures in the Zambian education system must involve the participation of the poor; people that stay in the rural areas; the handicapped, the girls and other vulnerable people in society. According to (Carmody, 2004) the Zambia education system has been faced with severe constraints in items of finance. This can be solved by the increase in the sector funding by the government and the private sector. Increased funding in a particular sector increases financial resources. The increased financial resource can be used for the construction of educational facilities for handicapped children as well as building new and better schools in the rural areas. Such resources can also be used for sponsoring the education of children from the poor families in education. This can change the face of education in Zambia if it is effectively implemented. In conclusion, user charges and cost recovery in the Sub-Saharan countries cannot alone bring about equity in the distribution of resources in entire society because such countries are still developing. This means that the presence of a large number of poor people in these countries tends to bring about such irregularities. Therefore, in order for the vulnerable to be fully incorporated into the education system, there would be need for assistance in the form of funding by the government and the private sector. These should also be involved in the provision resources and the running of education system in order for them to counter check the progress of education of the people being sponsored as well as the people sponsoring themselves.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Prototype of 3D Cadaster Polygonal Model
Prototype of 3D Cadaster Polygonal Model Abhijit Gujar Table of Contents 1.Introduction 1.1.Background and Justification 1.2.Literature review 1.2.1.Review on concept though and ideas 1.2.2.Review on approaches 1.3.Research problem 1.4.Research objective 1.4.1.General objective 1.4.2.Specific objective 1.5.Research questions 1.6.Research limitations 2.Research design and methods 2.1.Study area 2.2.Data 2.3.Software and hardware requirement 2.4.Research design matrix 3.Framework 3.1.Research framework 3.2.Thesis framework 3.3.Work plan framework 4.Reference 1. Introduction 1.1. Background and Justification Urbanization is an inevitable part of the economic development process for any country and is considered a global phenomenon (Rigg et al., 2009) . However, it is only in recent years that the rate of urbanization has begun to accelerate. More than half of the world population is dwelling in urban area. Urbanization is one of the inevitable phenomenon right now, as the result of this there is need and growth of high rise buildings which are having many types of uses and new types of shared ownership and also underground infrastructure such as sewage, train tunnels (subway), electrical and communication network is becoming dense and complex more over multi-use of land parcel creates new problems and challenges. (Jazayeri, Rajabifard, Kalantari, 2014) Traditionally the land parcel information which includes geometric, visual and legal data is managed in 2D. It is difficult in 2D map to make simple operation such as volume of space, cannot perform various spatial analysis that is necessary in various other field of urban planning as the data is in 2D. 3D visualization for dissemination is very difficult using just the 2D data in cadaster system (Mohamed Anders, 2012). This is where the 3D cadaster comes into light.endi One of the biggest hurdle in developing the 3D cadaster is the creating the 3D building geometry representation that are suitable for 3D cadaster. Although there are CAD model available that represent the 3D blue print of the building, the real on ground situation can be different then what is on the CAD model so it is necessary to calculate the 3D measurements of actual built building. I want to research how we can create a 3D model that is suitable for 3D cadaster, one of the possible methods can be using laser scanning data. Laser scanning data has very high accuracy which is suitable for land administration needs. AHN -2 (Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland) is the project in Netherlands that aims to collect high resolution laser data of entire country (van der Sande, Soudarissanane, Khoshelham, 2010). Although AHN-2 data is accurate the point density is not enough to be able to convert it into a polygonal geometry model as the AHN-2 is taken from high altitude it covers the roof of buildings adequately but the facades of the building generally have less point density which results in anomalies. The proposed solution to take multiple images of the building from all the sides (facades) to construct a point cloud of that building, the minimum number of images required will be analyzed using techniques discussed in (Alsadik, B., Gerke, M., Vosselman, G., Daham, A., Jasim, L. ,2014), then register this point cloud with the AHN-2 point cloud then this point cloud is used to generate 3D model 1.2. Literature review This section talks about the concepts, ideas that are discussed throughout this proposal. Cadaster: Urbanization is a process by which town cities are slowly transformed from rural form to urban form 3D cadaster: Cadaster registers real status of real estate objects until now the spatial information use to register the legal status of land in two dimensional systems that is a parcel is defined by 2D juridical boundaries. 3D cadaster What is a 3D Model A 3D Model is a mathematical representation of any three-dimensional object (real or imagined) in a 3D software environment. Unlike a 2D image, 3D models can be viewed in specialized software suites from any angle, and can be scaled, rotated, or freely modified. The process of creating and shaping a 3D model is known as 3d modeling Laser scanning Laser scanning is technique of controlled deflection of laser beam visible or invisible to capture the information of target in 3D from airborne or terrestrial platform. Airborne laser scanning is carried out from aircraft while terrestrial laser scanning can be done from a stationary or moving platform. Point cloud: point cloud is a set of 3D points in the same coordinate system. Often intended to represent a external surface of an object. Point cloud file is just the set of numbers representing X, Y, Z in coordinate system. Point cloud registration: Point cloud registration is a process of merging 2 separate point cloud having different origin and into one . Stratified sampling method: Stratified is probability sampling technique in which the researcher divides the entire population into different groups and then sample is collected from equally from each group. So that the selected sample can represent the population well. 1.3. Problem statement In past recent years there has been a lot of development in 3D. Netherlands is actively promoting for participation of over 65 private, public and scientific organizations to promote the use of 3D information covering issues such as acquisition, standardization, storage and use (Elberink, Stoter, Ledoux, Commandeur, 2013). Although there are many paper that suggest different methods to extract building from point cloud I want to look into alternative way of designing a 3D model of building by combining two point cloud from different sources. 1.4. Motivation 1.5. Research objective Research objectives are divided into general objective and specific objective. General objective is overall goal of research and specific objective are the objectives that are needed to complete general objective. 1.5.1. General objective To develop and test a prototype of 3D cadaster Polygonal model of building by combing the AHN-2 data with point cloud created by multiple high quality images of the building from all the facades. 1.5.2. Specific objective To formalize a benchmark for constructing a prototype 3D modelof buildingsatisfying the requirement for 3D cadaster. To create a prototype 3D model of a building using the benchmark. To evaluate applicability of developed 3D model based on developed benchmark. 1.6. Research questions Specific objective 1: To formalize a benchmark for constructing a prototype 3D model of building satisfying the requirement for 3D cadaster. What are important feature, constrain and requirement to construct a 3D model of a building for 3D cadaster? What are the criteria of sampling buildings (e.g height, type, length, width, building complexity of structure) Specific objective 2: To create a prototype 3D model of a building using thebenchmark. Which image processing techniques are better for 3D cadaster? Which is appropriate 3D model for 3D cadaster? And why? (wireframe , surface or solid) Specific objective 3: To evaluate applicability of developed 3D model based ondeveloped benchmark. What is the strength and weakness of derived 3D model? What are the reasons of strength and weakness? How can we access the accuracy (X,Y) of the 3D model using the existing 2D cadastral database? How can we access the accuracy (Z) of the 3D model using the CAD model? What are the possible recommendations to improve developed method? 1.7. Research limitations The current research limits extracting the model of building from the exterior of the building and does not covers the interior design and structure of the building. 2. Research design and methods In this section briefly describes the how the research will attempt to accomplish the formulated research questions. It includes the description of study area, people, data requirement, software to be used, proposed workflow/methodology. 2.1. Study area Study area for this project is Enschede. Results from the specific objective one will be used to select sample building of different type, height, volume so that it can represent the building population well. 2.2. Data Data description Data use Data source Airborne laser data for study area To create model PDOK Images of building taken from all the sides For Image base modeling field work CAD model of the building To assess accuracy (z) of developed model Cadaster, Netherlands. 2D Cadastral data of the selected buildings To assess accuracy (x,y) of developed model Cadaster, Netherlands. 2.3. Software and hardware requirement Software / Hardware Use/ application PCM Point cloud segmentation, manipulation and visual interpretation ImageModeler To convert point cloud to 3D model Matlab Coordinate system transformation 3DF Samantha AutoCAD CAD model analysis Endnote Reference management Microsoft Word Thesis preparation Professional camera To capture building images 2.4. Research design matrix Research Sub-Objective Research Question Research Method Required input data Anticipated Output To determine important factors for constructing 3D model ofbuilding satisfying the requirement for 3D cadaster. What are important feature, constrain and requirement to construct a 3D model of a building for 3D cadaster? Literature review, expert consultation, Case study, previous research papers, Case study, Literature, research paper, sample data from cadaster. List of important characteristics/functions/ features. In order to select the buildings for modeling, what are the parameters of sampling (selection)? Stratified sampling method Building type database Selection of types of building to study for modeling To create a prototype 3D model of a building. How can we create a point cloud from the images of building? Literature review, expert consultation, Case study, previous research papers High quality images of the building from all facades. Point cloud data How can we filter unwanted data (noise) from both of the point cloud? Literature review, expert consultation, Case study, previous research papers Two point cloud from previous objective Noise free point cloud How can we create a 3D model of building from point cloud? Literature review, expert consultation, Case study, previous research papers Noise free point cloud 3D model of a building To evaluate applicability of developed 3D model in context of 3D cadaster standards derived from objective one. What is the strength and weakness of derived 3D model? What are the reasons of strength and weakness? Comparison with the result derived from first objective. Visual and statistical analysis. Output from the first objective. Output from second objective. A summarizing list of strength and weakness of the derived output, discussion, conclusion and recommendation. How can we access the accuracy (X,Y) of the 3D model using the existing 2D Kadastral database? Output from second objective. Database for that specific building from Kadaster Table of accuracy analysis. How can we access the accuracy (Z) of the 3D model using the CAD model? Output from second objective. CAD model of same building 3. Framework Framework is structure to organize concepts or steps of the research process for better communication with intended readers. 3.1. Research framework Research framework will depict the overall structure and sequence of the major activities, task within each activity are of equal importance and cannot be skipped. Figure 2: Research Framework 3.2. Thesis framework Thesis framework describes and introduces the chapters that will be included in the main thesis. Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter one offers the justification background of research it also discusses the research problem, research objective, research questions, any previous work done related to this research Chapter 2: Literature Review and concepts Chapter two will go more deep into the concepts and the terms their meaning.Various terminology used in research. Chapter 3: 3D Cadaster In this chapter we will talk about what is 3D cadaster? Why it is useful? Which countries are implementing/ implemented 3D cadaster? How these countries have implemented it? Chapter 6: Field work This chapter discuses about the pre field work and field work . Chapter 5: Source of 3D data In this chapter we will discuss about the various sources of the 3d data that are available in Netherlands. We will compare the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Chapter 6: Technique of modeling In this chapter we will discuss about the various methods, procedure, softwareââ¬â¢s, algorithms related to 3D modeling. Chapter 7: Accuracy assessment In this chapter we will discuss technique and method of analysis and comparison of the derived model with the benchmark that we obtained from the first objective of research. Chapter 8: Prototype In this chapter we will display the obtained results and then will discuss the finding of the prototype. Chapter 9: Conclusion and Recommendation This chapter consists of the conclusion derived from the results and recommendation for further improvement. 3.3. Work plan framework Work plan framework depicts the activity and time allocated for each activity. Table 1: Work Plan 4. Reference Elberink, S. O., Stoter, J., Ledoux, H., Commandeur, T. (2013). Generation and Dissemination of a National Virtual 3D City and Landscape Model for the Netherlands. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 79(2), 147-158. Jazayeri, I., Rajabifard, A., Kalantari, M. (2014). A geometric and semantic evaluation of 3D data sourcing methods for land and property information. Land Use Policy, 36(0), 219-230. doi: Mohamed, E.-M., Anders, Ãâ". (2012). Feasibility of Building Information Models for 3D Cadastre in Unified City Models. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR), 1(4), 35-58. doi: 10.4018/ijepr.2012100103 van der Sande, C., Soudarissanane, S., Khoshelham, K. (2010). Assessment of Relative Accuracy of AHN-2 Laser Scanning Data Using Planar Features. Sensors, 10(9), 8198-8214. doi: 10.3390/s100908198 Rigg, J., Bebbington, A., Gough, K. V, Bryceson, D. F., Agergaard, J., Fold, N., Tacoli, C. (2009). The World Development Report 2009 ââ¬Å"reshapes economic geographyâ⬠: geographical reflections. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 34(2), 128ââ¬â136. doi:10.1111/j.1475-5661.2009.00340.x FACULTY OF GEO-INFORMATION SCIENCE AND EARTH OBSERVATION ââ¬â UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Analysis of Sonnet 73 Essays -- Sonnet essays
[Line 1]* - 'that time of year' being late autumn or early winter. [Line 2]* - Compare the line to Macbeth (5.3.23) "my way of life/is fall'n into the sere, the yellow leaf". [Line 4]* - 'Bare ruin'd choirs' is a reference to the remains of a church or, more specifically, a chancel, stripped of its roof and exposed to the elements. The choirs formerly rang with the sounds of 'sweet birds'. Some argue that lines 3 and 4 should be read without pause -- the 'yellow leaves' shake against the 'cold/Bare ruin'd choirs' . If we assume the adjective 'cold' modifies 'Bare ruin'd choirs', then the image becomes more concrete -- those boughs are sweeping against the ruins of the church. Some editors, however, choose to insert 'like' into the opening of line 4, thus changing the passage to mean 'the boughs of the yellow leaves shake against the cold like the jagged arches of the choir stand exposed to the cold'. Noted 18th-century scholar George Steevens commented that this image "was probably suggested to Shakespeare by our desolated monasteries. The resemblance between the vaulting of a Gothic isle [sic] and an avenue of trees whose upper branches meet and form an arch overhead, is too striking not to be acknowledged. When the roof of the one is shattered, and the boughs of the other leafless, the comparison becomes more solemn and picturesque" (Smith 148). [Line 7]* - 'black night' is a metaphor for death itself. As 'black night' closes in around the remaining light of the day, so too does death close in around the poet. [Line 8]* - 'Death's second self' i.e. 'black night' or 'sleep'. Macbeth refers to sleep as 'The death of each day's life' (2.2.49). [Line 12]* - 'that' i.e. the poet's desires. [Line 13]* -... ...the west, After the sun sets in the west, Which by and by black night doth take away, Which is soon extinguished by black night, Death's second self, that seals up all in rest. The image of death that envelops all in rest. In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire In me you can see the glowing embers That on the ashes of his youth doth lie, That lie upon the ashes remaining from the flame of my youth, As the death-bed whereon it must expire As on a death bed where it (youth) must finally die Consumed with that which it was nourish'd by. Consumed by that which once fed it. This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong, This you sense, and it makes your love more determined To love that well which thou must leave ere long. Causing you to love that which you must give up before long.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Slave Stuff Essays -- essays research papers
The slave trade in Uncle Tomââ¬â¢s Cabin Few books can truly be said to have altered the course of history, and even fewer can be said to have started an entire war. Uncle Tom's Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, was one novel to do both. Abraham Lincoln said to Harriet Beecher Stowe upon meeting her, "So this is the little lady who made this big war.â⬠. Uncle Tomââ¬â¢s Cabin had a tremendous effect on early 19th century thoughts of slavery; stirring abolitionist support in the north. The novel is a realistic, although fictional view of slavery with the images of brutal beatings and unfair slave practices. After reading Uncle Tomââ¬â¢s Cabin thousand of northerners became impassioned for the anti-slavery cause. Uncle Tom's Cabin helped eventually to turn the tide of public opinion against slavery in the 19th century( Taylor 1). This controversial novel was initially written to question slavery, convince people of its immorality and to promote the abolitionist cause. The novelââ¬â¢s rendering of the slave holding south is not entirely an accurate interpretation of what it was like though. Beecher over exaggerated and overlooked several facts in novel, especially pertaining to the practice of slave trading. To have her readers empathize more with the slaves, Beecher put the worst stories in and the cruelest practices of the slave trade depicted by run away slaves. Although most of Uncle Tomââ¬â¢s Cabin is very close to the reality of slavery, many aspects of the slave trade were portrayed inaccurately. One of the first miscalculated aspects of the slave trade is the reason for southern states involvement in the interstate slave trade. Stowe depicted Kentuckyââ¬â¢s involvement in the slave trade due to the poor soil of the region and economic ties with the practice. She implied in the beginning half of the Novel that many Kentuckians resorted to being bondmen in the slave trade due to the infertile land of the Bluegrass Region. In Stoweââ¬â¢s Key to Uncle Tomââ¬â¢s Cabin, (a book designed to muffle the critics of Uncle Tomââ¬â¢s Cabin) she stated that ââ¬Å"Slaveryââ¬â¢s subsequent lack of economic viabilityâ⬠¦ [and] prevailing agricultural impoverishment are to blame for Kentuckyââ¬â¢s involvement in the notorious trafficâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Stowe 254). On the contrary, Kentucky where the bulk of the slave trade was supposedly concentrated has long been blessed with great fertility. The high phosphorus content a... ...m promoted. Work Cited Harrison, Lowel H. ââ¬Å"The Antislavery Movement in the deep southâ⬠UNC at Chapel Hill Libraries Online. 1978. University of North Carolina 5 Jan 2001 <> Levy, Steven. Slavery in Kentucky. Lancaster Pennsylvania: New Printing Company, Negro universities Press 4-6 McDougle, Ivan E. ââ¬Å"Sketches of Americaâ⬠. Black Studies at Howard University. 1994. 4 Jan 2001. <> Smith, William Andrew. ââ¬Å"Lectures on Philosophy and Practice of Slavery, as Exhibited in the Institution of Domestic Slavery in the United States: with the Duties of Masters to Slaves: Electronic Editionâ⬠. UNC at Chapel Hill Libraries Online. 1802-1870. University of North Carolina 5 Jan 2001 <>. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. The Key to Uncle Tomââ¬â¢s Cabin. Boston, 1853; reprint, New York: Arno Press, 1969: 279 Taylor, Jeremiah. ââ¬Å" Sold Down the Riverâ⬠Genealogy Magazine Online. 13 Nov 1998. Genealogy Magazine. Dec. 2000 <>.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Essay For Future Plan In Medicine
Respected Madam,I am an international medical graduate from WHO medical school directory listed institute ââ¬âSMIMER (Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education & Research) during year 2013. During next 10 years, I dream to become Infectious Diseases specialist, as hospitalist as well as academician who serve all the time for better health of patient and society. I believe it is important to learn advanced practice and systemic approach in the field of Internal Medicine of developed country. In several under-developed and developing countries, in remote and suburban areas, population is increasing fast which will be in dire need of better and affordable health care.As academician, I want to share knowledge and train future generation clinician to follow best practices. I believe with graduation in Internal Medicine form United States of America will help me to serve them and realize my dream. I wish to enhance my knowledge and learn practice by being shadow of physicians and staff in the ââ¬Å"INTERNAL MEDICINEâ⬠department at your esteemedà institute. The experience will provide me opportunity to have close observation of health care system in USA. With participation global observership program, I can definitely advance step further in my future plan & also provide me institutional level experience for my Internal Medicine.Residency & post graduate program will fulfill my thrust in research field which is totally ignored area in home country. The opportunity will also boost my performance and prospect of getting a ââ¬Å"INTERNAL MEDICINEâ⬠residency match when I apply next September. I will be obliged to become part of one worldââ¬â¢s most advanced healthcare systems. I understand that the observership program does not involve direct patient interaction and it may not be remunerated. I am willing to follow any instructions and regulations you deem necessary. I will be very grateful if you can place me for a month of JULY-AUGUST 2014 ob servership rotation in the internal medicine department.Yours Sincerely,à Jugal Chahwala
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Applied Business Research & Statistics Essay
In the following, the learning team will revise the Business Research Project. The team will collect all the individual papers from week 5 and will incorporate the best elements into one team inferential statistics and findings paper and spreadsheet. The team will also note the strengths and weaknesses of their statistical findings. They will collaborate if there are any differences to find the best approach. The team will combine all the papers from parts 1-5 and revise all tables and figures. In conclusion, the team will summarize the results of testing the null hypothesis, with a clear statement whether or not the null hypothesis was rejected as well as provide the answers to their research question. The purpose of this research was to determine how performance is affected segment by segment at the Blue Bowl restaurant. The teamââ¬â¢s research question in basic terms was to determine how to improve performance during peak guests count to better serve the customer on days that w here not normal operating days primarily Friday and Saturday. Every customer is referred to as a guest and guest count is used in all functions of the operations. Every 30 minutes management record the number of guests who have placed an order and compares that to labor costs which broken down in 30 minutes segments at $4.00 per hour. One such way was to record data every 30 minutes during what we determine was the peak or rush hours. The question becomes how to best capture a true and complete record of the number of complaints given to management. Below are the results we came up with. By using several research methods, the team discovered that there were potential problems that needed to be assessed to measure the performance of the operation. The strategic goals of the Blue Bowl restaurant must be identified for the workable design and execution of the data analysis. Additionally, candidate development must be aligned withà business development and constructively support the cultural, leadership and communication elements. By nature, the Blue Bowl restaurant will continue to evolve with the business needed over the long term and permeate through all levels of the restaurant. The variable is the number of guests complaints received during the most nights the Blue Bowl has an average guest count of 300 guests from 6pm to 10pm. On Friday and Saturday nights this total can climb to 400-600 which could mean an increase of 50% on both days. The team has decided that the removal of the obstacles on the staff will increase their productivity measured by the number of guests and income per hour. However, the removal of the obstacles on the staff will not increase their productivity measured by the number of guests and income per hour. Based on the information that was provided, as a group we decided on the above scenario that not only included a number of guests but also included the number of available working employees. The graph defines those segments when guest complaints occurred. In the graph you can see that complaints mainly occurred in the beginning of the increase, in the middle of the increased, and at the end of the increase of guests. The graph below defines those segments when guest complaints occurred. Above are the results of complaints received by guests to management during this time. You will notice in the first quarter and second quarter complaints are lower compared to the target population this would suggest that performance is good with regards to guest counts. However the team seen an increase in complaints in the third quarter suggesting that performance has fallen. This would suggest to them that with the increase of the work load the staff has lost a measure of performance resulting in complaints. It could also mean that management at the time was trying to cut cost by minimizing staffing levels. With staffing levels lower, more responsibility is put on the shoulders of one worker and that could be a very difficult task to retain high service levels. In the fourth quarter the team found that complaints have again fallen given the data collected which would indicate that the staff has regained performance and is operation better in this quarter with the same being true in the last quarter. As a result, of the results in the data and given the findings that performance decreased in the later quarter, the team believes that employees that are much betterà suited for handling the increase. The decrease in complaints resulted from gathered information throughout the quarters. Managers were able to see different trends and were able to gather complaints from diners throughout the quarter. Upon compiling all the information together, the manager of Blue Bowl was able to make significant changes and continue with training thus the reason for the steady decrease. A random sample over the course of a few weeks produces 91 surveys or customer complaint cards. The observations produced a mean of x= 26.1 and a standard deviation to s= 2.8. Since the sample size is large the standard formula will be used. The equation will be 26.1 + and ââ¬â 1.960 2.8 / the square root of 91. Once the calculations are done we can determine the calculations will be 26.1 + and ââ¬â 0.58. Thus the 95% confidence level for u will be 25.52 and 26.68. This allowed us to determine that out of the surveys we received feedback on we can say that 95% of the data is accurate. With this data, we will be able to move forward with training and different courses of action to perhaps minimize the complaints that we receive during peak hours. From this data we can now determine what was happening during these peak times if we redefine our research question a bit. We can now ask ââ¬Å"how many complaints where about incorrect orders and how many complaints where from too long of a wait from placing the order and when it arrived at the table?â⬠Below is a chart with these redefined questions and the data which has been separated. So the inferences that can be made here is that the team sees the sharp increase that was due mainly in part to increased wait times and not incorrect orders being delivered to the guests. With this chart you can say that the statistic is regression and from the data you can say that the majority of complaints where in fact due to waiting periods. You can further say that the data infers that the next weekââ¬â¢s guests will experience much of the same. Overall the team as a group found out from their data that not all concerns about the performance actually where related to employees. The team found that the great numbers of complaints where from guests that were unhappy about the wait to be seated. The wait time was increased by the guest whoà remained longer than projected by management. Early on in their projects they stated that everything in the restaurant was driven by guest count from the food to be ordered, to the number of staff they have on hand to serve the guest, and even the number of kitchen staff working to fulfill the orders. When guests remained longer than one hour the matrix established failed. In their terms the null hypothesis was rejected. Management had few choices about decreasing wait time given the number of tables. If space is available in the dining room, staffing could not be increased for this reason as well. Friday and Saturday nights saw the most increases in our population size and affected our data the most. Another variable we determined as the cause was effectiveness of both the order taking and order fulfillment. Fatigue played a factor in the performance of employees as well as the unpreparedness of staff when increased order volume occurred. Ten Research Questions: 1. Were you greeted immediately upon entering the restaurant? 2. Once seated, how long did it take before your server greeted you? 3. Was you food/drink order correct? 4. How was the quality/presentation of the food/beverage that was provided? 5. How did everything taste? 6. Was the check presented in a timely matter? 7. Did you observe manager/supervisor interacting with guest? 8.Was the server/host knowledgeable about the items on the menu? 9. Would you recommend Blue Bowl Restaurant to your friends and family? 10. How would you rate your overall experience on a scale from 1-5? With 1 being poor and 5 being excellent. The strength was asking or being given responses directly from a guest and recording that data to find the core of the complaints of guests during peak times. This approach revealed wealth of information based on the perceived experiences from the customer, direct interaction and gathered information is far better than relying solely on a random survey which may not yield the same or intended information needed to accomplish the objectives. On the weakness side this information was solely the opinion of a guest and not backed up by data. In that respect the information has a likelihood of including false results based on an opinion. There was not any model in which to compare a base line from previous daysà and not a system that could eliminate miss information such as failure of management to record complete and accurate details of the complaint which is amplified when more than one member of management recording data. Still this does allow for future studies to be completed to fine tune both the data gathering and interpretation of the results found. The team has also discovered during the previous weeks that our data began developing more variables such as the space in the waiting area and the number of seating available to seat guests, as well as fatigue of staff during peak times which affect performance. Yet the data collected does provide enough information to identify areas of improvement and those conditions for which the study was conducted. The simple answer could be to increase the waiting area to increase waiting space available as well as redesign the dining area to provide for more seating space. However, this would mean an increase in expenditures to make such changes which may not be financially possible. In conclusion the team has pointed out some of the strengths and weaknesses in their data. They believed that the process that they were able to come up with was going to allow the Blue Bowl Restaurant to continue high success and growth in the future. As a team they gathered data and performed different hypothesis tests to come up with different results. Charts and graphs showed the data that was collected and the variables that were tested. They thought that the complaints came from customers being unhappy with the employeeââ¬â¢s service. In actuality it was because the customers had to wait longer to be seated. So as a team they found out that it was not the employeeââ¬â¢s performance but prior guests sitting longer than projected. If there was more seating space in the dining room then this problem would not occur. This would mean that the Blue Bowl restaurant would have to expand and might not be enough finances for such renovation. As a team they figured out that they should have included the customers that stayed longer than anticipated as a variable in their tests.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Television and Modern Technology Censorship - 2008 Words
For every swear word to every explicit image, the FCC is always there to try and censor the indecent and compromising content before it reaches the viewers. For many years, the FCC has always been televisions number one source for protection when in regards to filtering which content gets to the viewer. Television will always change, but for the better I think not. Through the years, the FCC with censorship has been on an epic downfall that even dates back to how women were portrayed and even to the images that aired on national public television. Censorship covers a wide range of outlets whether it is music, television, or the internet. Television worldwide may be one of the most influential inventions of all time, which is the reasonâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Many feel that when their product is consistently monitored it takes the heart and fun out of the material. Television Censorship in the past was one drastic change in television history; censorship was also a major television impact on society. From the 1930s to the 1940s TV was still very new and at in its birthing years; making the amount of viewers of the television only a few thousand. At a 90 percent rate TV has doubled its amount of viewers within just a decade making it more than 30 million viewers. Sex, violence, drugs, and alcohol is a huge acceptance and popular culture and because of the rise in these popular areas the FCC was born. The FCC also known as the Federal Communications Commission was established in June of 1934 (CITE A WEBSITE). Although censorship may be a broad topic, women on the other hand were a prime target for the FCC. One of the major impacts that censorship has had on society was with women and minorities. Around the era of WWII, a rise in childbirth also known as the ââ¬Å"baby boomâ⬠era had a nationwide effect of anxieties when it came to sex. In fact, in the 1950s a statue in Indiana for masturbation came into effect making masturbation a crime; a person caught masturbating could be convicted and sentenced up to 14 years of jail time. Any sexual interaction between two people was deemed a sin in the eyes of society calling it bestiality, if the two people were not married. To further show how censorship blocks certain imagesShow MoreRelatedRay BradburyS Fahrenheit 451 Shows A Society Where, Similar1070 Words à |à 5 PagesRay Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451 shows a society where, similar to modern day America, technology and conformity are praised, but unique ideas are seen as taboo. Many have heard phrases to the effect of ââ¬Å"Donââ¬â¢t watch so much TV, itââ¬â¢ll rot your brain!à ¢â¬ But is there any validity to these claims? Ray Bradbury thought so when he wrote the novel, and he is not alone in these beliefs. Many believe that television can have detrimental effects on one s intellect, as well as their individuality. 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Friday, January 3, 2020
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