Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sea Otter Facts

Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) are an easily recognized and beloved marine mammal. They have furry bodies, whiskered faces, and a propensity to lay on their backs and float on the water, a behavior that humans perceive as evidence of fun-loving.  They are native to the northern coastlines of the Pacific Ocean, from northern Japan to Baja, Mexico. Most critically, they are a keystone species, meaning that their continued existence is required for several other species to survive. Fast Facts: Sea Otters Scientific Name: Enhydra lutrisCommon Name: Sea ottersBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 3.3–4.9 feetWeight: 31–99 poundsLifespan: 10–20 years  Diet:  CarnivoreHabitat: Coastlines of the North Pacific Rim, from northern Japan to the central Baja peninsulaConservation Status: Endangered Description Sea otters are carnivores in the family Mustelidae—a group of animals that also includes terrestrial and semi-aquatic forms such as weasels, badgers, skunks, fishers, minks, and river otters. Sea otters are the only fully aquatic form of otters, but they share features with the others such as thick fur and short ears. This thick fur keeps the animals warm ​but unfortunately has led to over-hunting by humans of many of these mustelid species.   Sea otters are the smallest fully marine mammal in the world: Males range in length between 3.9–4.9 feet, while females range between 3.3–4.6 feet. The average body mass for males is about 88 pounds, with a range of 49–99 pounds; females range from 31–73 pounds.   Temperature balance is a significant challenge for sea otters, who lack the blubber of other marine mammals such as seals and walruses. Otters have a dense fur made up of a combination of undercoat and longer guard hairs that provides insulation, but it must be almost continuously maintained. Fully 10 percent of a sea otters day is spent grooming its fur. However, fur is an inflexible insulation, so, when necessary, sea otters cool off by flapping their nearly-hairless rear flippers. Habitat and Distribution Unlike some marine mammals like whales that would die if they were on land for too long, sea otters can go up onto land to rest, groom, or nurse. However, they do spend most if not all of their lives in the water—Sea otters even give birth in the water. Although there is just one species of sea otter, there are three subspecies: The Russian northern sea otter (Enhyrda lutris lutris), which lives in the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, and Commander Islands off Russia,The northern sea otter (Enhyrda lutris kenyoni), which lives from the Aleutian Islands off Alaska, down to Washington state, andThe southern sea otter (Enhyrda lutris nereis), which lives in southern California. Diet Sea otters eat fish and marine invertebrates like crabs, urchins, sea stars, and abalone, as well as squid and octopuses. Some of these animals have hard shells, which protect them from predators. But that isnt an issue for the talented sea otter, which cracks open the shells by banging them with rocks. To hunt prey, sea otters have been known to dive as deep as 320 feet; however, males mostly forage at depths of around 260 feet and females about 180 feet. Sea otters have a baggy patch of skin under their forelimbs which is used for storage. They can keep extra food in this spot, and also store a favorite rock for cracking the shell of their prey. Jeff Foott / Getty Images Behavior Sea otters are social, and hang out together in groups called rafts. Sea otter rafts are segregated: Groups of between two and 1,000 otters are either all males or females and their young.  Only adult males establish territories, which they patrol during mating season to keep out other adult males. Females rove freely between and among male territories. Mint Images - Frans Lanting / Getty Images Reproduction and Offspring Sea otters reproduce sexually and that only occurs when the females are in estrus. Mating is polygynous—one male breeds with all the females in its breeding territory. The gestation period lasts for six months, and females nearly always give birth to a single live pup, although twinning does occur. Young sea otters have a form of extremely woolly fur that makes an otter pup so buoyant that it cant dive underwater and can float off if not tended carefully. Before a mother otter leaves to forage for her pup, she wraps the pup in a piece of kelp to keep it anchored in one spot. It takes 8–10 weeks for the pup to shed its initial fur and learn to dive and the pup stays with the mother for up to six months after birth. The females enter estrus again within several days to weeks after weaning.   Female sea otters become sexually mature at about 3 or 4 years of age; males do so at 5 or 6 although most males dont establish a territory until they are 7 or 8.  Female otters live 15–20 years and can have pups every year from the first estrus; males live for 10–15 years. Keystone Species Sea otters are a keystone species and play a critical role in the food web of the kelp forest,  so much so that even terrestrial species are influenced by sea otter activity. When sea otter populations are healthy, urchin populations are kept in check, and kelp is abundant. Kelp provides shelter for sea otters and their pups and a variety of other marine organisms. If there is a decline in sea otters due to natural predation or other factors such as an oil spill, urchin populations explode. As a result, kelp abundance decreases  and other marine species have less habitat. Kelp forests absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and a healthy forest can absorb as much as 12 times the amount of CO2 from the atmosphere than if it were subject to sea urchin predation.   When sea otter populations are abundant, bald eagles prey primarily on fish and sea otter pups, but when sea otter populations declined in early the 2000s due to predation by an increased population of orcas, bald eagles preyed more on marine birds and had more offspring because of the higher caloric content of a seabird diet. Threats Because they are dependent on their fur for warmth, sea otters are heavily affected by oil spills. When oil coats a sea otters fur, air cant get through and the sea otter cant clean it out. The infamous  Exxon Valdez  spill killed at least several hundred sea otters and affected the sea otter population in Prince William Sound for well over a decade, according to the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council.   While sea otter populations increased after legal protections were put in place, there have been recent declines in sea otters in the Aleutian Islands (thought to be from orca predation) and a decline or plateau in the populations in California. Other than natural predators, threats to sea otters include pollution, diseases, parasites, entanglement in marine debris, and boat strikes. Conservation Status Sea otters first became protected from the fur trade by the International Fur Seal Treaty in 1911, after the population had decreased to about 2,000 as a result of unrestrained hunting for furs. Since then, sea otter populations have rebounded, but the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the species as a whole as Endangered. The ECOS Environmental Conservation Online System lists both northern and southern sea otters as threatened. Sea otters in the U.S. today are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Sea Otter Skins. Gulf of Maine Cod Project, NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries / National Archives Sources Anthony, Robert G., et al. Bald Eagles and Sea Otters in the Aleutian Archipelago: Indirect Effects of Trophic Cascades. Ecology 89.10 (2008): 2725–35. PrintDoroff, A. and A. Burdin. Enhydra lutris. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T7750A21939518, 2015.  Northern Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni). ECOS Environmental Conservation Online System, 2005.Southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis). ECOS Environmental Conservation Online System, 2016.Tinker, M. T., et al. Otters: Enhydra Lutris and Lontra Felina. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (Third Edition). Eds. Wà ¼rsig, Bernd, J. G. M. Thewissen and Kit M. Kovacs: Academic Press, 2018. 664–71. Print.Wilmers, Christopher C, et al. Do Trophic Cascades Affect the Storage and Flux of Atmospheric Carbon? An Analysis of Sea Otters and Kelp Forests. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10.8 (2012): 409–15. Print.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Summary Of Cr�vecoeur - 874 Words

In the 1780’s a French aristocrat by the name of J. Hector St. John de Crà ¨vecoeur wrote a collection of essays defining his stance on colonial American society and Americans themselves. In this excerpt Crà ¨vecoeur gives his definition of the American man and the â€Å"poor European emigrant† (39). He explains how a man thrives in the new country and how the rise up from the lowest class. As a reader reads the essay, they must note the writer himself, his tone, his sentence structure, and how his words connect to the reader. It can be noted the Crà ¨vecoeur is an aristocrat which mean that he is of higher rank. Looking at his wording at the beginning of the text, it can be seen that he places himself higher than the new Americans. Crà ¨vecoeur†¦show more content†¦Instead of needy peasants, he switches his label to people filled with potential. Determination and grit can be seen in the â€Å"poor European emigrant† as he comes into a new country wi th almost nothing except for â€Å"The knowledge of the language, the love of a few kindred as poor as himself† (39, 40-42). It is a sharp contrast to Crà ¨vecoeur’s previous paragraphs as he begins to put the men in a new light. The American is â€Å"either an European or the descendant of an European, hence the strange mixture of blood, which you will find in no other country† (46-49). Perhaps this is an allusion to the men’s roots. The European countries at that time were composed of the world’s greatest empires. If the men came from such countries, they can make a country just like them or better. Americans will be â€Å"melted into a new race whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world. Americans are the western pilgrims who are carrying along with them that great mass of arts, sciences, vigor, and industry† (59-63). The use of the word â€Å"pilgrim† describes the men as journeyers. The men who have â€Å"arts, sciences, vigor, and industry† are seen as educated and can be describes as entrepreneurs, much different than the people of the lower class. Crà ¨vecoeur’s sentence structure and relevant use of examples help readers better understand his point of view. His vivid diction allows the reader to see things how Crà ¨vecoeur

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay on Against the Death Penalty - 881 Words

Against the Death Penalty The death penalty is one of the most controversial issues in our time. There are many issues that show and prove the death penalty is wrong and reasons why it should be ceased. Many issues have objections towards the death penalty shows that the death penalty is unfair, irreversible and expensive. The Death penalty is an unfair system used as punishment to criminals that performed wrong and unmoral crimes. The death penalty is unfair in the way that is discriminatory towards color, and race. For example, in the trials of many court cases, a person who kills a white person is treated much more severely then one who kills a black person. Of the 313 criminals that have been executed between 1997 and 1995,†¦show more content†¦Events have happen where during the past century about 4 cases a year, an innocent person who was convicted of murder, was sentenced to death. Of these cases, there were people who have been proven innocent after the person was executed. A good example of this type of situtation happened in 1990 when Jesse Tafero was executed in Florida for murdering a state trooper. His wife, Sonia Jacobs was also sentenced to the death penalty but was later reduced on an appeal to life imprisonment, 11 years later her convictions were vacated by federal court. Ev en though Jesse and Sonias conviction was the same, it was all due to an ex-convict who turned in evidence that help prove the couple was guilty which led one of them to be penalized with death. The ex convict who turned state witness testified against the couple so the ex convict could avoid the death penalty. If he were alive in 1992, he would have been released with his wife. Another example of such cases happened in 1992 when Roger Coleman was executed in Virginia even though another person was suspected as the murder because there was evidence that was never summated to his trial. In court, the jury did not take anyone seriously until late in the appeal process, when they found out he or she was about to kill an innocent man. Even though they tried to delay and stop the execution it was to late. Eventually the case was cleared, and he was later proven innocent. These cases clear proveShow MoreRelatedDeath Penalty : Are You For Or Against The Penalty?1724 Words   |  7 PagesP olanowski Philosophy 1111 21 October 2015 Death Penalty Are you for or against the death penalty? Do you even know what the death penalty is? The Death Penalty is when a person is charged for a crime and receives punishment such as execution, and is put on death row. It has been a back and forth argument over decades on rather or not we should instill the death penalty. 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The death penalty is a form of cruel and unusual punishment that violates citizen’s Eighth Amendment which has forced the Supreme Court to step in and evaluate this form of punishment. The death penalty has not always been practiced in the United States; however, there have been about 13,000 people who have been legally executed since colonial times. In 1972, the Supreme Court effectively nullified the death penaltyRead More Against the Death Penalty Essay731 Words   |  3 Pagesthe death penalty is the worst of them. I am strongly against the death penalty because it violates God’s rules, costs the tax payers too much money, and possibly the â€Å"wrongly accused,† may have to die because of the cruel and unusual punishment of the death penalty. How often do these concepts get into the public’s mind when it hears of our ‘fair, trusty’ government taking away someone’s breathing rights? Do we honestly want people thinking of us as mu rderers? I am against having the death penaltyRead MoreThe Case Against The Death Penalty773 Words   |  4 PagesCase Against the Death Penalty, which shows up in Crime and Criminals: Opposing Viewpoints, Eric Freedman contends that capital punishment does not discourage fierce crime as well as conflicts with decreasing the crime rate. This essay will analyse Freedman s article from the perspectives of a working man, a needy individual, and a government official. Working man: A working man would in all probability agree with Freedman s point of view with association with the monetary part of the death penaltyRead MoreAgainst The Death Penalty Essay959 Words   |  4 PagesAgainst the Death Penalty â€Å"Murder is wrong† (â€Å"Capital Punishment†). We’ve been taught this indisputable truth since childhood. The death penalty is defined as one human taking the life of another. Coincidentally, that is a classification of murder. There are as many as thirty-six states with the death penalty, and it’s essential that they change it. The United States needs the death penalty abolished because it is filled with flaws, cruel and immoral, and is an ineffective means of deterrentRead MoreArgument For And Against The Death Penalty1051 Words   |  5 Pages When arguing for or against a topic, the goal is to convince others to accept you opinion, take your opinion seriously, and you must seek common ground in order to establish some form of compromise. A good communicator must be specific, contestable, significant and reasonable. For this assignment, I will be arguing for and against The Death Penalty. When it comes to a topic such as The Death Penalty, many individuals cannot fathom the idea of putting another human to death because it is not permanentlyRead MoreAgainst the Death Penalty Essay1733 Words   |  7 Pagesnot the death penalty should be used. It continues to be a controversial issue in the world today. Some are for the death penalty, believing that a punishment should fit the crime and it is the only necessary way to reprimand those who have committed a terrible offense. Others believe that the death penalty violates human rights and that it is inhumane, merciless, and cruel. In Kenneth Josts article Death Penalty Controversies, he explains that critics and adversaries of the death penalty are warningRead More Against the Death Penalty Essay1533 Words   |  7 Pages The Death Penalty Human rights are fundamental rights which every human being is entitled to just because they are human. The death penalty is the ultimate, irreversible denial of human rights. It is the cold blooded killing of a human being in the name of ‘justice’. In 1948, the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; in Articles 3 and 5 it states that â€Å"no one shall be subjected to cruel or degrading punishment and everyone has the rightRead MoreAgainst The Death Penalty Essay878 Words   |  4 Pagesoppose the death penalty. Many people can feel very strongly about whether or not they approve of this method of punishment. I feel that the death penalty is wrong, and I believe that there is much support to back this up. I believe that the death penalty is wrong because it is not an effective deterrent, racially and economically bias, unreliable, expensive, and morally wrong of society. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One argument from death penalty supporters is that the death penalty acts as a deterrent

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Effects Of Terrorism Among British Tourists And How It...

The Perspective and Effects of Terrorism among British Tourists and how it affects their Behavior and Decision-Making Background/Literature Review The tourists’ opinion on a destination is affected by the perceived benefits and costs (Sonmez and Graefe 112). One of the costs apart from expenses such as accommodation and transportation is the risk related to terrorism. With increased terrorist attacks around the world, one can assume that the perceived threat of terrorism at a tourist destination, like the one mentioned above, will result in a perception that views it as a costly place to visit. However, the process of making the decision on whether to visit a tourist destination or not depends on a number of important factors. In a†¦show more content†¦She was saying this to express her fear that the media can negatively impact the decision of British tourists, such that they may not want to visit places that have experienced terrorist attacks. While there is research conducted on the factors that affect the perception of British tourists, more research needs to be carried out to find out how their behavior and decision-making is affected. Aims and Objectives This research proposal aims to investigate the perspective and effects of terrorism among British tourists and how it affects their behavior and decision-making. To achieve this aim, five objectives have been created. Aim: To investigate the perspective and effects of terrorism among British tourists and how it affects their behavior and decision-making. Objective 1: To review the relevant literatures on the effects of terrorist attacks on the behavior and decision-making of tourists. Objective 2: To investigate the levels of awareness of terrorism and how it affects British tourists’ behavior and decision-making. Objective 3: To explore the types of terrorist attacks that may affect the behavior and decision-making of British tourists. Objective 4: To identify the British tourists’ decision-making response toShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis of Terrorism Essay9824 Words   |  40 PagesAn Analysis of Terrorism On September 11, 2001, every person was stunned with the earth shaking news that the World Trade Center (WTC), the highest building in the world was attacked by terrorist. This was done by hi-jacking two commercial airplanes which plowed the two famous sites. More than 5,000 American was feared dead. This was the most recent and most devastating terrorist act that brought terrorism into the timelight. Terrorism is a term of uncertain legal content. The term itselfRead MoreDisney Land9906 Words   |  40 Pagesround they had to understand the underlying problems and find solutions to make a ‘turnaround’. The report analyses and studies the French market using the PEST analysis. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Negotiating Skills Free Essays

Negotiation refers to the process of reaching an agreement that is acceptable to all parties. Thus, it necessarily requires the recognition and analysis of the interests of all parties. Successful negotiation requires careful understanding of the perceptions and interests of each party and the utilization of surefire techniques of negotiation (Management Sciences for Health and United Nations Children’s Fund 1998). We will write a custom essay sample on Negotiating Skills or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is suggested by many that the hardest part in any negotiation occurs before the parties sit down at the negotiation table. This means that a lot of the success in negotiation may be attributed to adequate preparation prior to the actual negotiation process itself (Management Sciences for Health and United Nations Children’s Fund 1998). Preparation to negotiation involves planning and intelligence gathering. One of the important things that a negotiator must learn include the interests and expectations of the parties, the non negotiable and negotiable terms, different negotiation strategies, and possible concessions and other alternatives. Preparing adequately for negotiation would enable the negotiator to anticipate issues and problems and plan strategies in advance, placing him at an advantage (Dolan 2004). Negotiators must act ethically in any given situation. It should be kept in mind that the goal of negotiation is the resolution of conflict and reaching an agreement mutually acceptable to parties. Therefore, both parties must treat each other with respect, transparency and honesty so that the process remains a viable option in case of conflicts of interest (Cohen 2004). Finally, negotiators must know how to act when actions get stalled. There may be no hard and fast rules in such kinds of situations; the ultimate guide to any negotiator lies in the nature of the negotiation process itself, which is a tool for reaching an agreement. Thus, when actions get stalled, parties must exert effort to choose alternative courses of action that could still benefit all stakeholders (Management Sciences for Health and United Nations Children’s Fund 1998). References Cohen, S. P. 2004, â€Å"Negotiation Ethics: A Matter of Common Sense.† The   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Negotiator Magazine [Online], Available at Dolan, J. P. 2004, ‘Six Steps For Negotiation Preparation,’ Available at Management Sciences for Health and United Nations Children’s Fund. 1998, ‘Negotiation Techniques,’ Available at How to cite Negotiating Skills, Essay examples

Monday, December 9, 2019

Understanding Between Organizational Learn â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Understanding Between Organizational Learn? Answer: Introduction ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning System) is business process management software that permits the company to use a system of combined applications to manage the activities of the business related to the technology and human resources. ERP helps the company to combine all the major activities of the business (Beal, 2017). This software is designed to be used by the large businesses, to customize and analyze the data to handle deployment and upgrades. The report talks about the use of the ERP by the RealTech Company. RealTech Company is an information system organization which is specialized in the deployment and the deployment of the new technology and information system. RealTech include different departments such as accounting and finance, marketing and sales, Management, IT, Support and Human resource, Supply Chain Management. The report talks about the implementation of the ERP software application in the RealTech Company (Seethamraju, 2015). The managers of the company are willi ng to replace the whole system with the ERP application. Overview of ERP There are many vendors in the market who are providing the ERP solution or the Cloud-based ERP solutions. According to the requirement of the company the components are integrated and customized ERP system (Issar, Navon, 2016). Below are some of the components that are specialized to handle define business activities of the organization. Human Resource (HR) Human resource module manages the employee information, records related to the performance reviews, skill matrix, job descriptions, and attendance tracking. The organization maintains HR team in the organization for efficient management of the human resources (Armstrong, Taylor, 2014). HR team also plays a vital role in the payroll system which includes management of the salaries, payment reports, travel expenses and reimbursement tracking. ERP software can help the companies in managing the employee training tracking. Marketing and sales Marketing and sales module include the process like sales queries and inquiries analysis, accepting sales orders, tracking pending sales order, drafting sales invoices along with the proper taxation. All the sales transactions are accomplished by sales module of ERP. The marketing module includes generating the awareness about the product (Ganore, 2013). Finance and accounting The inflow and the outflow of the capital are managed and control by the finance module. The finance module includes all the finance related transactions such as balance sheet, expenditure, payment receipts, tax management account ledgers, bank statement, budgeting. ERP helps the company in making the finance module an easy task. With the single click on the finance module, there is an availability of the required finance data that is required for the running business. CRM department helps the company in enhancing the sales performance of the company along with this, CRM helps with better customer services and healthy relationship with the customer as well as with the potential customers. The CRM module helps in managing and tracking the detailed information of the customer. The SCM module manages the flow of the product items from the producer to the end users and from the end users to the customers. Supply chain management of the company involves sales return and replacing process, demand and supply management, transportation, shipping and tracking (Stadtler, 2015). Four types of ERP Application Software There are different types of ERP application software that can be used for the different purposes. Four types of ERP application software are discussed below which shows some of the difference with the other application software. Oracle + NetSuite ORACLE The oracle enterprise resource planning offers a completely innovative and effective solution for the organization for all sizes. Oracle is the one cloud for the entire business that is designed for the management of the accounting, financial, compliance, and tax reporting and risk management. Oracles acquire NetSuite officially; this enhances the reach of NetSuite's cloud ERP solutions for mostly midsize businesses (Oracle+ NetSuite, 2017). This ERP is cheaper than the SAP ERP. Dynamics Microsoft Microsoft Dynamics is a combination that helps the business to make the adaptable business decision with the confidence. This ERP comprises of a group of ERP product which aims at the diverse market segment, ranging from Dynamics GP for SMBs to Dynamics 365 for the finance and operations. This ERP formed for the purpose of the Microsoft business processes. SAP Business one - UNEECOPS SAP business one application is an all-in-one, which is affordable ERP solution. This ERP solution is used by the companies to manage an entire business for the sales along with the CRM and Finance and Accounting. It helps the business streamline processes, speed up profitability growth and act on appropriate statistics. This ERP is used for the business who wants to earn a maximum of the profit. SAP ERP- SAP SAP ERP is designed for the middle organizations as well as the large organizations of all the in sectors. This solution provides support to only four module of the business that includes financial, operations, human resources and corporate services (Magal, Word, 2013). This ERP is more expensive than the Oracle. SAP ERP application software for RealTech SAP ERP is an Enterprise resource planning software which is developed by the German Company SAP SE. SAP consist of various types of the modules such as Financial and accounting, sales and distribution, CRM and SCM. SAP ERP supports business processes in approximately 25 industries with 37 languages along with the 45 localizations. It is beneficial for the company to enhance the competitiveness, flexibility, simplify the business scenario administration (Lorenc, Szkoda, 2015). This ERP brings some functional capabilities for the business that helps the business in the processes. SAP ERP suits the RealTech operations RealTech Company should make the use of the SAP application software that helps the company in the smooth supply chain. The current application that is used by the company includes the application which was developed 10 years ago. These applications include Java and Oracle. The SCM support the other activities of the company such as developing production plans, receiving the equipment into the stores, inventory control, and purchasing, distributing, ordering hardware equipment's from suppliers. The integration of the business is poor that is a reason there is the need of the SAP. SAP ERP is most popular ERP and acts in a different way. SAP is best for the real-time tracking and management of the finance, HR, accounting, sales, SCM. The RealTech Company faces problems with the integration of business functions and these problems can be resolved with the implementation of the SAP ERP in business. Integration of ERP with the RealTech business operations The combination of the SAP ERP with the RealTech business is must for the smooth working. The modern technologies of ERP help to enhance the efficiency of the company (Nwankpa, Roumani, 2014). Integration with Marketing and Sales Marketing and sales are vital processes for the business, a combination of marketing and sales with the ERP help the company in enhancing the profit of the company. It helps in speeding up the manufacturing process with the help of proper planning and scheduling to monitoring the manufacturing process. Integration with Supply Chain Management The supply chain management is one of the most important modules for the RealTech Company. ERP helps in reducing the cost of the support for the end-to-end procurement and logistics processes. The main aim of the supply chain management is to make the product available to the customers (Monczka, Handfield, Giunipero, Patterson, 2015). Integration of the ERP with the supply chain will help the company in enhancing the customer services and makes the product easily available for the customers. Integration with Accounting and Finance The ERP needs to be integrated with the finance and accounting module. The ERP helps in automate and streamline of the finance operations while confirming the regulatory compliance. The finance and accounting module plays a vital role in the organization. The integration of the ERP helps the company to get the details in a single click. Integration with Human Resources The integration of SAP ERP with the HR is beneficial for the RealTech Company. It helps in recruiting, administration, promotion, professional development and onboarding. This ERP helps the companies in managing the real bases tracking of the employees training. This helps the RealTech in managing the HR operations and processes. Conclusion The report throws light on the role of the ERP in the business operations. The report is based on the RealTech Company who requires an ERP system in the business that helps the company for the smooth operation of the company. SAP ERP system can be combined with any other system to perform the smooth working. Though, the implementation of the SAP ERP in the organization is an expensive deal. This is the only reason due to which the small companies don't implement this ERP. The SAP brings the Standardization of business process in organizations. Though this system is a very complex system, some organization might not be able to adjust to the ERP (Kanellou, Spathis, 2013). Hence, there are some of the benefits of the usage of the SAP ERP but along with the advantages, there are some disadvantages also. The RealTech Company should implement SAP that enhances the efficiency of the companys operations. References Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Beal, V., (2017). ERP - enterprise resource planning. Viewed on 20th September 2017, Ganore. (2013). Basic Modules of ERP System. Viewed on 20th September 2017, Issar, G., Navon, L. R. (2016). Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). In Operational Excellence (pp. 33-36). 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Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Midsummer Nights Dream Title Significance free essay sample

Dream  depicts the lunacy in love by warping tensions and the dream-like quality of love beneath the eyes of the dreamer to produce rare visions in which to learn from. The title of the play holds tremendous weight, as it depicts the passions of love through dreams, while emphasizing the relationship between the two. Dreams  and love then become intertwined with one another and the similarities begin to become more apparent. Shakespeare brilliantly weaves the lives of the four young lovers and creates disarray within a magical world of fairies and love juice. The characters within the play take hold of the trite and conventional words of love and declare them with the sincerity of true love. However, these words are a mockery of love when Lysander and Demetrius, two of the male characters, reverse their declarations of love from Hermia to Helena. Although the tensions arise most poignantly among the lovers, it is Bottom who emerges from the dream state with the desire to learn from his unconscious moment and the ability to see the mingling of the dream versus reality. Love and dreams both become foggy, unclear, passionate states in which the individuals involved become delusional victims. The title emphasizes the importance of each of the characters dream, and highlights the irrational, impersonal and under valued qualities of love. Lysanders words that the course of true love never did run smooth (I, i, 54) seems to mimic the faulty passions of love within the play. Like dreams, love is foolish, crazy and driven by desires. Shakespeare highlights the absurdity of love by showing the dispensable and interchangeable emotions within the dreams. The male characters claim each love as being the greatest love, yet their shallow and conventional words show the true nature of the men. For instance, just before falling asleep, Lysander says to Hermia, I mean that my heart unto your is knit, / So that but one heart we can make of it (II, ii, 161), then when waking he declares to Helena that he would run through fire [ ] for thy sweet sake (II, ii, 162). Both declarations are common phrases spoken when in love and dreams. Dreams and love have a reoccurring way of mimicking and repeating conventions. Despite the trite words, betrayals and heartache within the dreams, not all of the characters within the play change or learn upon awakening. In fact, some of the characters seem unchanged by their dreams, such as Hermia and Helena, who remain blind to the pain their lovers had bestowed, while Lysander once again directs his affection toward Hermia as though it had never faltered. Then, Demetrius is seemingly changed for the better as though he remained dreaming. Prior to falling asleep, Demetrius seemed concerned only in himself, disregarding the wants of the woman he claimed to love. Rather than letting her marry a man whom she loved in return, he set out to force her to unwillingly marry him. However, when dreaming, Demetrius finds himself under the enchantment of the love juice and in love with Helena. Upon awakening, he remains true to the person he had become in the dream, restoring order in reality by marrying Helena and allowing Lysander and Hermia to be together. In reflecting upon his dream, Demetrius declares, But, my good lord, I wot not by what power But by some power it is my love to Hermia, Melted as the snow, seems to me now As the remembrance of an idle gaud Which in my childhood I did dote upon; And all the faith, the virtue of my heart, The object and the pleasure of mine eye, Is only Helena (IV, i, 173) Moreover, Demetrius dream melts away his passion for Hermia and brings him to a place where he can see his love for Helena. His dream was meant to remind him of the life he should lead. So whether he is truly awake or still remains in his dreams, he is seen as a better man. Nick Bottom is another man who dreams in the enchanted world of fairies and love juice. He is seen to be a pig-headed, self-concerned man who is transformed in the dream world into having the head of a donkey, which symbolizes an ass of a man. Yet although Bottom enters the dream world as an ass that is loved by the beautiful Tatiana, he emerges from it with knowledge and understanding. When he awakes, he states, I have had a most rare vision. I have had a dream, past the wit of a man to say what dream it was. Man is but an ass if he go about to expound this dream. Methought I was there is no man can tell hat. Methought I was and methought I had but man is but a patched fool if he will offer to say what methought I had ( IV, i, 173). Moreover, Bottom sees dreams as rare visions. Perhaps Shakespeare sees dreams as stoically also. He wakens to a better self where his pride, conceited views and disrespect vanish. His dream becomes his art as he vows to have a ballad written of his experience. Dreaming in the play challenges the excepted thoughts, and brings chaos to the reality that love is blind. Both love and dreams should provide visions of truth, yet often fail to do so. Then if love and dreams are so irrevocably linked, should they both then be placed upon a pedestal of expectations? Traditional, common, and overdone, yet passionate, enlightening and wooing, love and dreams fog the mind, entrance the being and set out for a deeper purpose. If you think the relationship between love and dreams is full of nonsense, Shakespeare may insist you take this absurdity as being no more yielding but a dream

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Constitution of the US Issues and Amendments

The constitution of the US is the absolute law of the nation, which acts as a guide to the political culture of the Americans and the law. They are many issues that have been addressed in the constitution of the US, some have been amended a number of times to fit the needs of the society.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Constitution of the US : Issues and Amendments specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Abortion is a good example of an issue that has been addressed in the constitution; it has also been amended a number of times. Under the constitution, the president has a number of privileges, which will be discussed in this paper. The constitution plays a significant role of creating a balance on most pressing issues and making sure that America remains a democratic state. President’s enumerated powers. In the US, the president has special powers, which have been formalized. The authorities of any presiden t of the US are carefully limited and have been well outlined in the constitution of the US. The president has the power to appoint executives, federal juries, and American ambassadors among other officers of the government. This power is also referred as the enumerated power of a president. Using the enumerated powers, the president of the US can negotiate treaties with other governments and can even recognize ambassadors from other countries. He or she can also veto bills that are passed in the assembly. As such, the enumerated powers are special authorities, which are exercised by a sitting president and are well-outlined in the constitution. Special powers available to the president: The American president has several powers: these powers include those that are granted by the constitution, by the Acts of Congress, and other soft powers given to the President as the leader of the nation. Emergency powers. Emergency powers are categorized into two groups. The two groups of powers are (a) a special power to act during the time of crisis, which is fully based on the president’s decision and (b) the special power to act according to the constitution or formal laws when an emergency has been announced in the nation. Executive powers. In the executive branch, the president has been allowed by the constitution to manage a wide range of national affairs. Therefore, the president issues rules and instructions, which have a certain force although they never require approval by the congress. An excellent example of executive powers of a president in the US is using the veto on a certain bill that the he (president) does not approve.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Inherent powers. In the constitution, there are certain statements that can allow the president to have power. A statement like †¦.the executive power shall be vested in a president†¦ . allows a national leader to practice some form of authority. Regulating immigration, acquiring a territory, and ordering deportation of some individuals are examples of inherent powers by the US president. Is exercise of these powers a positive or negative influence? The president of the US exercises enumerated powers for the good of the citizens and the nation at large. During an emergency, for instance, there is a need to make quick decisions in order to address the situation. However, the congress can take long to make, and implement such decisions and it is, therefore, a positive aspect that the president should make decisions during such critical moments. Does the president have too much power? In the recent times, the citizens of the US (some of them) feel that the president has become too powerful. Some people argue that the president has so much power that the democratic system is under threat. However, this is not entirely true. The powers of any American president are se t by the constitution and, therefore, the president cannot exercise his powers outside what has been allowed by the constitution. The constitution also prevents the president from using his privileges wrongly. This means that the president cannot breach the rights of the constitution and those of the American citizens. The president does not have too much power. Differences between judicial activism and judicial restraint: The judicial activism and judicial restraints are antagonistic; the two terms are quite different from each other (. They are both relevant in the US as they relate to the American judicial system. These two are very significant in checking and controlling the powers of the government; they help check fraudulence. The term judicial activism refers to how the constitution is interpreted in order to campaign for certain values and conditions in a nation. On the other hand, the term judicial restraint refers to the act of limiting the powers of federal judges so that they cannot strike down certain laws in national affairs. In issues of judicial activism, the federal juries are supposed to utilize their powers to correct injustices in the social system only when the other constitutional bodies are in-active. Therefore, the judicial activism plays a significant role in creating and developing social policies on matters of political injustice, civil liberties and public morality. On the other hand, in the judicial restraint, the court allows the congress and state legislatures to continue with their duties, but can hold them back if they are violating the laws and constitution of the US.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Constitution of the US : Issues and Amendments specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The judicial restraint and judicial activism are also different in that they have different objectives. The judicial restraint creates a balance in the judicial, executive, and legislative issues while the judicial activism give powers to all arms of the government to overrule certain acts in the constitution. Weakness and strengths of judicial activism. Some of the key benefits of judicial activism are: (a) to promote democracy by following what is only outlined in the constitution, (b) the judicial activism allows judges to stand firm on certain decisions because the constitution obligates them to do so, and lastly, (c) the judicial activism allows courts to supervise and implement laws, which is part of the democracy. The weakness of the activism is that its reliability is questionable and, therefore, it should be analyzed. Weakness and strengths of judicial restraints. One of the benefits of judicial restraints is that it allows judges to exercise their authority; this is a form of democracy. This particular right allows the juries to defend the constitution as much as possible. It also allows federal judges to decline to make a ruling on some of the c ontroversial matters. This, however, is usually considered a violation of the constitution, which is a major weakness of the judicial restraint. The preferred method. The preferred method is judicial activism because it promotes democracy and allows the judges to make and implement decisions as well as standing firm on their rulings. History of abortion law and its current status in America. Abortion is very common in the society, and it is estimated that almost half the population of American women have at one time terminated a pregnancy voluntarily. History about abortion reveals that during the 1800s, abortion was legal in the US, but towards the end of the 19th century, the abortion act was amended and abortion was criminalized by the constitution. The constitution banned all forms abortions after the fourth month of pregnancy. Regardless, the number of illegal abortions was relatively high but when the Comstock law was implemented, the number of illegal abortions declined at an alarming rate. During this period, some feminists (including Susan Antony) were strongly against abortion and their work helped in the war against abortion. In the year 1965, the US banned all forms of abortion but this ban varied from one to state to another. Even though, abortion was only allowed under specific conditions which include (a) to save the mother’s life, (b) in case the pregnancy was as a result of rape, (c) if the fetus had some complications or abnormalities like deformity.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the year 1973, the Supreme Court said that all the laws on abortion were unconstitutional and it, therefore, allowed abortion within the first three months. Some celebrated this ruling while others including the Catholic Church opposed it. This led to wars and bombing of clinics that exercised abortion. Today, the conflict about abortion revolves around over termination of fetus at the late stages of pregnancy. Supporters argue that such an abortion is good because it saves the mother’s life. On the other hand, opponents argue that in a majority of the abortions, the fetus can be saved and people only abort as an excuse that the health of the mother is at risk. Presently, abortion is legal in more than fifty states in the US. The issue of mother’s health, which allows the mother to abort even at the late stages of a pregnancy, is a broad one, and it does not have a single answer. As a result, there is no particular reason why a mother cannot abort. Do you agree with the present status of abortion law? The issue of abortion has brought controversy in the US today. Abortion has become a critical issue in the society with many abortions been done every day. I feel that some people abort voluntarily although they argue that the health of the mother is at risk. This continues to victimize innocent and vulnerable fetus, and the law does not protect them. Therefore, there is a need define and to develop new laws regarding abortion. I do not agree with the current law on abortion. Conclusion The president of the US has some form of special powers, which allow him to make important decisions during critical moments. The special powers of a president are granted by the constitution, by the Acts of Congress, and other soft powers. Such decisions are applicable during times of emergency. The term judicial activism refers to how the constitution is interpreted in order to advocate for certain values and conditions (in the US) while judicial restraint refer s to the act of limiting the power of federal judges so that they cannot strike down certain laws, which are outlined by the constitution. The major benefit of these two is that they promote democracy in the US. The issue of abortion has been (and still is) a burning issue in the society today. Presently, in more than fifty states abortion is allowed by the constitution. There is a need to develop laws regarding abortion to avoid the controversy surrounding this topic. This essay on The Constitution of the US : Issues and Amendments was written and submitted by user KinseyWalden to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.